Go Local is an overarching brand for community transport in North Yorkshire. Jointly designed by community transport organisations and North Yorkshire Council, the aim of the brand is to help raise awareness of community transport, to change perceptions, and increase the usage of the service throughout North Yorkshire.
With the help of a specialist transport marketing agency, work on the brand began in late 2016. Starting from scratch and needing to create a brand and name that would satisfy more than 20 community transport operators while also achieving the aims of the brand was no easy feat! Over the course of the next six months through workshops, design days, consultation with the public, market testing, and countless emails and phone calls the final brand – Go Local – was formed.
With a brand in place, a high quality video advert was needed to help with promotion. The entire video was filmed in one day and we are very grateful to those volunteers who gave up their time (or their kitchens!) to appear in the video. The video is excellent and we strongly encourage you to watch and share it if you haven’t done so already.